Personal Details
Dr. Arnab Rit
Associate Professor
Inorganic Chemistry Division
Department of Chemistry, IIT Madras
Office: 044-2257-4205
Lab: 044-2257-5189/5191

After graduating from IIT Kharagpur in 2007, Dr Rit has earned his doctorate degree under the guidance of Prof. F. E. Hahn in Organometallic Chemistry from WWU Muenster, Germany (2011). After that, he was a post-doctoral researcher at RWTH Aachen, Germany for about 2 years under Prof. Jun Okuda and Marie-Curie post-doctoral fellow for one and a half year at the University of Oxford under Prof. Simon Aldridge. In December 2015 he joined IIT Madras as an Assistant Professor. Currently he is continuing as Associate Professor.
Academic Profile
Ph.D. - WWU Munster, Germany (2011)
M.Sc. - IIT Kharagpur (2007)
B.Sc. - Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira,
Belur (2005)
Honour's and Rewards
Early career Research and Development Award (IRDA), IITM (2022)
INSPIRE Faculty Award by DST (2016)
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Oxford, UK (2014)
Postdoctoral fellowship by the “Seleca” International Research Training Programme and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (2011 - 2013)
Awarded prestigious “summa cum laude” (highest honor) for the Ph.D. thesis and defense